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Preparing your files to send to a mix engineer can be a confusing process, and every mix engineer has their own preferences as to how the files are sent.


Below is guide on how best to send me your files. Please follow this as closely as you can - it helps keep the process streamlined and save any confusion over files which allows us to get to a finished mix much quicker and easier!




Send me individual multi-track audio files as 24-bit .WAV or .AIFF files at the sample rate they were recorded at, ensuring all files are bounced / exported from the same start point. Remove any unwanted files and / or sound(s).

In some cases I am able to accept Logic Pro X or Pro Tools session files but please discuss this with me beforehand.


Instrumental Parts: Please print all instrumental parts as they are in the finished, pre-mix production. Ideally, I'd like to be able to import your files and have everything appear exactly as it is in the rough mix. This includes volume balance / gain staging, reverbs and FX - basically everything in the final production! There may be times when I need a dry / unprocessed part in which case I can contact you to sort this out.

Vocals: I generally prefer to receive dry, unprocessed vocals unless there is a very specific sound or effect which features on a track. You can send wet and dry versions of vocal parts if we agree that this could be useful.

Important Note!: Please remove any master bus / mix bus processing before exporting your files. Things like Izotope Ozone, Logic Mastering Assistant or any saturators / clippers / limiters can really mess with individual files if you're exporting through these plugins so please make sure they're turned off or removed before you begin exporting your files!


This is super important!

Please divide the audio files into folders based on the instrument type. These sub-folders should then be placed into one ‘master’ folder which includes the name of the artist / band, the song title, and the tempo.   


For example:           


          -> DRUMS    

          -> PERCUSSION

          -> SFX                               

          -> BASS            

          -> GUITARS            

          -> SYNTHS & KEYS           

          -> VOCALS  


The way the tracks are named is super important too. If the tracks aren't named properly or put into the correct folders to begin with, this can result in things being in the wrong place in the mix, which means having to go back and make changes. It might seem pedantic, but naming tracks properly does help save a lot of time and confusion (and means you get your mix back much quicker!).


Please ONLY include the name of the instrument in each individual file. Do not include the song title in every individual file, and please don’t send files labelled with the same name twice. Please also be specific with the naming of your tracks, particularly the vocals (i.e. lead vocal, pre-chorus BV, bridge harmony 1 etc.)              


Good example:

• Kick.wav

• Snare 1.wav

• Snare 2.wav

• Lead vox.wav

• Chorus Harm 1.wav

• Bridge vox dbl.wav


Bad example:

• myuntitledsong1

- kick.bip.wav

• voc1.wav

• voc1.2.wav

• weirdsound.wav

• Untitled.wav



Finally, please include a copy of the rough mix (an actual file, not a link please!) along with a PDF file in the master folder with some notes on the general vibe / feeling that you want from the mix. If you have any specific effects or moments that you would like to happen in the song then include it here!  



Hopefully that answers all the questions you have but if not, just drop me an email at to go over anything you’re unsure about.

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